2022 Session Information
ALA MGS 2022 Delegate Information Packet
All delegates and alternates of ALA MGS 2022 should download this packet and review with their parents or guardians. You do not need to print out this full packet, but the last five pages must be printed and brought to ALA MGS completed when you arrive at registration on Saturday, June 11th.
ALA MGS 2022 Registration Arrival Schedule
Do not worry if you cannot make it in the allotted time! However, please plan to arrive prior to 3:30pm on Saturday, June 11th!
Use the link above to place your order for the electronic photo download for the 2022 session of ALA Missouri Girls State.
ALA MGS Family Events & Livestream
Click on the link above for more information about our Friday evening and Saturday morning events that are open to parents and families. There are also a few events during the week that will be available via Live feed at this link.
A welcome letter from Lindenwood University and an explanation of college credit opportunities with their corresponding deadlines can be found here.

ALA MGS 2022 Online Orientation
All delegates and alternates may attend an in-person orientation at one of the five locations mentioned in the Delegate Information Packet starting on May 1, 2022. The online orientation includes a video and corresponding verification form to complete. Click on the header to access both the orientation video and password-protected verification form.
**Subject to change**
Please do not print as ALA MGS citizens will receive one upon arrival.
**Subject to change**
Please do not print as ALA MGS citizens will receive one upon arrival.