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Initial Impacts


While normal girls may yawn at the thought of “boring” guest speakers, these extraordinary delegates sat tall in their chairs, eagerly capturing each word of the many speakers that spoke solely in the first two days of Missouri Girls State. The impact these speakers made could not go unnoticed.

On the first night during the assembly, Dr. Shari Garber Bax delivered a brief speech with a purpose to inform and persuade people to join her legislative class for the week; however, her presentation did more than just inform.

“I was actually inspired by her speech because her use of real statistics showed how few women are involved in statewide government, and it reminded me of the amazing opportunity that we have here at Girls State to begin a journey that will open the door for others in the future,” said Molly Laiben (Boone City).

Though some speeches left inspiration, others left a sense of comfort and hope for their current government. The Mayor of St. Louis, Tishaura Jones, joined the girls via Zoom to discuss her aspirations, roadblocks, and goals she has as mayor, emphasizing her “why.”

“She really inspired me because I personally live in St. Louis, so it was cool to hear from someone who will directly impact me and pave a better path for my future,” said Grace Lorentz (Cronin City).

It would be impossible to describe the variety of impacts guest speakers will continue to have on delegates throughout the week, and it will be amazing to see how each individual embraces that impact.

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