2023 Session Information
ALA MGS 2023 Citizen Information Packet
All delegates and alternates of ALA MGS 2023 should download this packet and review with their parents or guardians. You do not need to print out this full packet, but there are some pages that must be printed and brought to ALA MGS completed when you arrive at registration on Saturday, June 24th.
ALA MGS 2023 Registration Arrival Schedule
When possible, please arrive during the assigned registration schedule to make the process as efficient as possible!
A welcome letter from Lindenwood University and an explanation of college credit opportunities with their corresponding deadlines can be found here.
ALA MGS 2023 Online Orientation
All citizens and alternates must attend an in-person orientation or attend one of the seven online orientation options. The online orientation will be conducted via a zoom meeting. Click on the header to access the meeting link and completion form for the meeting.
ALA MGS 2023 Orientation Slides
Presentation materials from the orientations for ALA MGS 2023 Citizens.
Do not print - one will be provided to you upon arrival at ALA MGS 2023.​
ALA MGS 2023 Manual
Do not print - one will be provided to you upon arrival at ALA MGS 2023.
This link will help you with all the tips and tricks in applying for ALA Girls Nation 2023!