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Panel of Powerful Role Models

Written by: Matti Cook

Edited by: Frida Rodriguez

Earlier today, we had the chance to hear from an amazing panel of strong independent female leaders. The panel consisted of Colonel Sandra Karsten, Director of the State Department of Public Safety; Kylie Dickneite, Director of Missouri Homeland Security; Zim Schwartze, Chief of Capital City Police; and Dorothy (Dottie) Taylor, the State Supervisor of the Missouri Department of Alcohol and Tobacco. Each shared their own personal experiences in law enforcement, and public services. They expressed their difficulties and struggles with being in a position of power in a field mainly dominated by males. They also shared their own ways of overcoming certain comments and situations, and ways that helped them keep going and keep their ground.

The panel of powerful role models gave quite a few pieces of advice, each one important and inspirational for every young woman here at Girls State. Mrs. Dottie Taylor, left us with the words, "When you can't, you can." Never doubt your self worth, or abilities. And as Colonel Sandra Karsten said, "Think about what you're going to do with your Missouri Girls State experience?" When you leave Girls State, are you going to make a difference in your community? What will you do with the experience that you have earned here?

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