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Girls State Participation is for Everyone

Written by: Mileah Metcalf

While the individuals chosen for the 2021 Missouri Girls State session can all unite to share a common love and interest for the United States Democratic Government, the characteristics, personalities, and talents of the chosen delegates deeply vary. For those who entered into the 2021 session with their eyes set on a high standing government position, opportunities to get involved are immediately presented during assemblies and by city counselors. However, for the other delegates who have quietly entered into the session with less direct aspirations, but that would still like to get involved, there is a plethora of jobs and activities waiting for participants.

For those who excel in fine arts, there are various contests which include poetry, art, and short stories. Each of the mentioned above follow the prompt “THE POPPY- A SYMBOL OF SACRIFICE IN WAR AND HOPE NO DEATH IN VAIN”. Another contest is the T- Shirt design contest, where the winner’s design will be used for the 2022 Missouri Girls State session. All entries are due Thursday night.

If both campaigning for an office position and competing to win a contest are more than some delegates wish to involve themselves in, then participation can be found in either smaller city positions that do not require any campaigning, or even volunteering to write Honor Flight Final Mail Call Letters which are sent to thank American veterans.

At the end of the day, arguably one of the most important yet simple ways for a more shy delegate to participate is to offer campaign support.

Seen below is Madison Mccord serving as Campaign Manager for Denise Stoner.

Seen above is Lillian Miller passing out fellow delegate, Paige Deka‘s, campaign material. Missouri Girls State is dedicated to recognizing the many unique delegates during the week-long session by providing a wide scope of niches and places to belong, a good amount of which only require general enthusiasm and a willingness to try something new!

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